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Facebook like status update link extractor

Actually there’s nothing special about this, what you are looking isnt what i want to explain, i mean my main concern isnt to teach you how to make facebook like link extractor, my main concern was to learn PHP’s DOM extention. In short PHP DOM extension provides standard set of objects and interfaces to manipulate HTML as well as XML document. It represents HTML/XML page as objects. we can easily access HTML documents objects (tags) like “img”,”title” by writing few lines 
$tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName(‘img’); will return set of all the images as an array.
You can read more about PHP DOM here
The DOMDocument class
DOM XML (PHP 4) Functions
Document Object Model
Talking about real facebook.com link extractor, its much faster than our Facebook like status update link extractore, its because every time you make request from Facebook like status update link extractor script it visits that site and extract the contents where facebook allready maintains the database of url, title, descriptions and images. so its much faster than this script. you you extents this script and use database to store the details or may be you can also use php memcache. This will make this script Facebook like status update link extractor much faster. I would have done it but i have to move to next script so i have again left this to you ๐Ÿ˜›

Final Product – Facebook like link extractor
facebook like status update link extractor

facebook like status update link extractor

Facebook like status update link extractor – Browser Support
IE Tested in IE 6,7,8,9
Firefox 10.0 (I believe it should work in all GECKO engine browsers like netscape)
Chrome 16
Safari 5.1.2
Few lines of HTML
JavaScript (jQuery)
View Demo

Download code below

[sociallocker id=”1764″] Download

Facebook like status update link extractor


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